The Ultimate TQE Course
The traditional classroom approach isn’t working; let’s make it transformational — for everyone.
Be the teacher you want to be with reading and writing strategies that actually work so you can increase joy and decrease workload — for you and your students.
This course will teach you the exact tools and tricks thousands of English and upper elementary teachers around the world are using to transform reading, writing, and collaboration using the TQE Method — a student-led, structured, and FUN approach to teaching and learning.
Results look like:
But first…
You need to know that it’s not your imagination; teaching really has been that hard.
It was hard before COVID. It was for damn sure hard during COVID. And it’s been extraordinarily hard to be the teacher we want to be these last three years.
The traditional system wasn’t and isn’t working for students or teachers.
But you know this. That’s why you’ve tried:
Socratic Seminars
Fishbowl activities
Student presentations
Genius Hour
Group projects
Motivational speeches
Flexible seating
Dressing up in costume, bringing in donuts, and all but breaking out into song and dance just to get students to try, to ask questions, and experience the learning you desperately want them to have.
All to get students to enjoy learning reading and writing skills — and grow more than their multiple choice test scores indicate.
Despite the biggest heart and the best intentions, your innovative attempts have left you feeling defeated, overwhelmed, and — let’s be honest — wondering if you should turn in your keys for good.
Before you send that email you drafted to your principal, come take a seat.
Yes, you.
The one who wakes up in the middle of the night with a brilliant idea, who shows up to school because you genuinely, deeply, want students to see the potential they have.
The one who still, despite all the backlash on the news or from that angry parent, believes that learning can be revolutionized.
I’m here to remind you of your first-day-of-school vision:
A contagious classroom energy and real aha moments are possible
“Where did the time go” discussions can happen in your classroom
Being present at home, with your family — and not with a stack of essays to grade — is a reality you should come to expect
Want to transform your English class like, yesterday?
The Ultimate TQE Course
From the creator of TQE, Marisa Thompson
Revolutionize your reading and writing instruction and assessment through student-led inquiry, intentional teacher guidance, and a personable approach to teaching and learning that leaves everyone in the room energized and engaged.
Course Includes:
✅ Three Main Units: Empowering Students with TQE Discussions, Revolutionizing Assessment to Support Your Ultimate Goals, and Improving Their Writing (and Your Work-Life Balance) with Feedback That's Actually Effective and Efficient
✅ 18 modules, from the big picture to the smallest detail
✅ 21 video trainings from me, your instructor
✅ 31 downloads and slidedecks to use in your classroom tomorrow
✅ Access to the Unlimited Teacher Community for support, encouragement, and ideas
✅ Lifetime access to unit updates
Skeptical this can actually happen? I get it.
When I started TQE, I shared what worked out of excitement.
And then, it caught like Twitter wildfire — but like, the good kind.
After years of implementing it in my classroom, and training teachers across the country (and world — hello, Iceland!), TQE is so much more than a great way to have a discussion about a book.
When implemented to its fullest extent, TQE is a repeatable reading and writing system that allows teachers and students to experience the joy of learning and growing — without limitations.
☑️ WHY, WHEN, & HOW I Went from Leaving to Loving Teaching
☑️ WHY, WHEN, & HOW We Can Make a Transformation Happen
☑️ Module 1: WHY, WHEN, & HOW We Revolutionized the Experience for Students AND Teachers
☑️ Module 2: WHY, WHEN, & HOW We Can Upend Comprehension Checks
☑️ Module 3: WHY, WHEN, & HOW the Students Make the Choices
☑️ Module 4: WHY, WHEN, & HOW to Lead Discussions and Drive Class Conversations
☑️ Module 5: WHY, WHEN, & HOW Effortless Tweaks Boost the Learning (But Not the Workload)
☑️ Module 6: WHY WHEN & HOW Teachers & Students Can Make It Their Own
☑️ Module 7: WHY, WHEN, & HOW Our Conditions Impact Our Culture & Their Confidence
☑️ Module 8: WHY, WHEN, & HOW a Few Quick Activities Prepare Students for TQE (and Build Culture & Confidence)
☑️ Module 9: WHY, WHEN, & HOW to Transform (and Simplify) Your Gradebook
☑️ Module 10: WHY, WHEN, & HOW to Offer Students Ownership of Assessment and Communication
☑️ Module 11: WHY, WHEN, & HOW a Purposeful Assessment Plan Makes All the Difference
☑️ Module 12: WHY, WHEN, & HOW the Real Test is through Gradual Release
☑️ Module 13: WHY, WHEN, & HOW We'll Know We're on the Right Track
☑️ Module 14: WHY, WHEN, & HOW to Help Students Process Feedback
☑️ Module 15: WHY, WHEN, & HOW Zero Hours of At-Home Grading Improved Their Skills
☑️ Module 16: WHY, WHEN, & HOW to Prep Your Class for 1:1 Conferencing (AKA But what will my other students be doing??)
☑️ Module 17: WHY, WHEN, & HOW to Add the Right System with the Right Tools
☑️ Module 18: WHY, WHEN, & HOW to Set Up the Right Tech
☑️ WHY, WHEN, & HOW We Can Have What We've Always Wanted
This isn’t a cool new trick —
it’s a tried and tested strategy that has upended classrooms around the world.
“@MarisaEThompson just blew my mind with her #ProactivePlanning session! You made me feel like everything is going to be okay by giving me thoughtful and attainable steps to get there!”
“With Marisa’s support, I was FINALLY able to give all 40 students feedback during class.”
Okay, but HOW?
Get the practical support to create an unlimited classroom experience — for you and your students.
Unit 1: How to set up and implement TQE so that class discussions aren’t like pulling teeth
Unit 2: Ditch the reading quizzes, homework, and tests and use real-time discussions for real-life assessment (no take-home grading!)
Unit 3: Transform your writing and feedback structure so that it’s practical and effective — for you and your students
In each unit, you’ll walk away with
✅ Slidedecks and teacher-cheat sheets you can start using tomorrow
✅ Video trainings with real-life examples of what works and what doesn’t
✅ The secret ingredients to navigating objections (and whining) from your students
✅ How to problem solve when the first attempt doesn’t hit right
The tool is great. But the tool with the right system changes everything.
Those after-school Indeed searches, wondering if you can really keep at this teaching thing?
Just hold on a little longer because…
After taking these courses, you’ll experience
Energy around your planning and preparation for your students
More of the days where you lose track of the time and end the day feeling… less of the days where you spend the last 5 minutes of your day rapidly trying to come up with a plan for tomorrow. Not needed, because the plan is in place and already meaningful.
Being present at home with your family and friends because your workload has decreased so much.
And not just because you’re avoiding your laptop, but because you finished giving feedback during contract hours.
Joy when you walk into your classroom, knowing you have a system that allows you and your students to feel at home.
Yes, there’s a reason we got into teaching, and it’s not because we love talking about the points on an assignment.
We get to create and maintain a place of belonging, all within the so-called constraints of state standards and four classroom walls.
Freedom to listen to your students’ needs at the moment, creating a collaborative learning environment
“Oh, this is what they need to learn right now. Let’s pivot.” → This is what you say when you implement student-created curriculum.
Purposeful work because every assignment and assessment has so much more value — with a strategic plan to provide timely and useful feedback in the classroom.
Where students actually look at the feedback and, you know, get better. (They might even genuinely thank you!)
Your Instructor
Hi, I’m Marisa - lover of my family, sunset trips to the beach, and time.
Seven years in, I wanted to quit.
I was a classroom teacher with rows of desks, an average of 150 hours a year of grading outside of contract hours, and students with so many needs I didn’t know how I could reach them all. I loved it… and was exhausted and defeated by it.
What felt like permanent restrictions or immovable red tape turned out to be temporary obstacles that, with enough desire to just TRY, could be moved.
So that’s what I did.
I turned those rows of desks into a DIY flexible seating classroom, decreased my 150 hours of at-home grading into zero, and put the IEP, 504, and ELL students into the driver seat. My students and I, we’re making change happen TOGETHER.
And now, I’m on a mission to challenge and equip teachers and educational leaders to move away from the traditional ways so their instruction, their students, and their JOY can be unlimited.
Get a manageable set of universal systems and materials that let you teach reading and writing with your whole heart without being distracted by zeroes, curriculum shifts, and an endless amount of assignments on your “to be graded” list.
The Credential & Induction Programs You Completed
The Ultimate TQE Course
Tens of thousands of dollars and years of work that didn’t actually help you teach writing or manage your workload…
Payment Plan Available
Zero Student Loan Interest
and Your Life Back
All 3 Units
Plus Loan interest
Ask me how to get your district to pay for this course!
You sure can! Click here to email me and we can see if your team qualifies for a group rate!
There are 3.5 hours of videos, so... will you split it up and finish in 3 or 4 prep periods? Ready to knock it out on an Early Release day? Just want to take on one unit at a time? It's up to you! Come back to any recordings and materials whenever is convenient or when it's time for a refresher!
You get lifetime access to all of the course content, including updates!
I love how TQE has spread and teachers around the world have adapted it to fit their needs. That’s amazing! But since TQE started out of my classroom with my students, I have a unique lens on how it can help you do SO much more than just have a good discussion in class. And, bonus, since I help teachers around the world with TQE and implementation, you get the most up-to-date resources on what actually works.
Since you already know how TQE can transform the daily experience, I can’t wait to hear what you think about these grading, writing, and feedback approaches and resources; they take everything to the next level!
There’s something really special about being together, discussing the experience, and building on our collective expertise. Let’s make it happen! Click here to email me some initial information about your plans.